FEE Stock Information

Stockholder Contact Information of Available Shares
Shares Available:  
Contact Name:  
Contact Number: -
Contact Email:  
Asking Price:  
Posted Date:  
Closing Date:  

Selling & Purchasing Stock
Farmers Elevator & Exchange is not responsible for the sale of shares. 
Please contact the Stockholder with any offers to purchase available shares by the closing date.

When Stockholders' wish to sell shares, the contact information of the Stockholder will be
posted to the FEE Stock Information webpage and in FEE Offices.
Notices of available shares will also be posted to the FEE homepage and FEE social media pages.

After an offer has been accepted by the Stockholder, both the seller and the purchaser of the stock will need to
contact the Farmers Elevator & Exchange Main Office, at 319-523-5351,to begin the transfer of stock process.